Wednesday, October 30, 2013

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Re: Javascript Adding data to TD

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Thank You so much this did point me in the right direction;

I used this <nobr>Corporation X <span id="txtElement"></span></nobr>
Then what I did was

var element= document.getElementById("txtElement");
var store = "8513260005";

var sometext = document.createTextNode(" " + ">>"+ store + ">>" + clientId);

It gave me what I needed.

Thank You Very Much.

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Javascript Trying to add data to TD tag from a fucntion after grabing user selection

Monday, October 28, 2013


I'm trying to add data to TD tag using JavaScript. I have a drop down list in which a user makes a selection
that selection should then go the a specific <td> tag. Here is a snippet of my code.

list = document.navigationForm.optionList3;
clientid = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;

//var element = document.getElementById("mytitle");
//var parent= element.parentNode;
var store = "8513260005";
var node = ">>"+ store + ">>" + clientId;

$( node ).appendTo( "#mytitle td" );

Here is my HTML structure snippet

<table cellpadding="0" border="0" align="" name="headingGrid">
<tr name="breadCrumbRow">
<td name="gridCell1"> </td>
<td class="mytitle" name="gridCell3">
<table align="" name="grid1">
<tr name="gridRow1">
<td class="mybtitle" name="breadCrumbCell" id="mybtitle">
<nobr>Corporation <!--Here is where it needs to go-->

Thanking You In Advance

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Re: Javascript Adding data to TD

This may not be EXACTLY what you are needing, but this should be able to help get you on the path needed for your project.

On Mon, Oct 28, 2013 at 1:49 PM, <> wrote:
Hello I'm trying to add data to TD tag using JavaScript. Every thing I tries so far
is not appearing gin the tag  I'm capturing data from a drop down list.  Once selected
that data along with other data I';m capturing should go to a specific tag on the HTML
page and be over written each time a new selection is made.

I have a JavaScript function which grabs information from the form lets say clientid
clientid = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
var store = "8513260005";
var node = ">>"+ store + ">>" + clientId;

HTML structure

<table cellpadding="0" border="0" align="" name="headingGrid">
<tr name="bdRow">
<td name="gridCell1">    </td>
<td class="subtitle" name="gridCell3">
<table align="" name="grid1">
<tr name="gridRow1">
<td class="mytitle" name="breadCrumbCell" id="mytitle">
<nobr>Corporation X       <!--Here is where it needs to go-->
I tried something like this

$( node ).appendTo( "#mytitle td" );   //with no luck;

Thanking You In Advance,

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Javascript Adding data to TD

Hello I'm trying to add data to TD tag using JavaScript. Every thing I tries so far
is not appearing gin the tag I'm capturing data from a drop down list. Once selected
that data along with other data I';m capturing should go to a specific tag on the HTML
page and be over written each time a new selection is made.

I have a JavaScript function which grabs information from the form lets say clientid
clientid = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
var store = "8513260005";
var node = ">>"+ store + ">>" + clientId;

HTML structure

<table cellpadding="0" border="0" align="" name="headingGrid">
<tr name="bdRow">
<td name="gridCell1"> </td>
<td class="subtitle" name="gridCell3">
<table align="" name="grid1">
<tr name="gridRow1">
<td class="mytitle" name="breadCrumbCell" id="mytitle">
<nobr>Corporation X <!--Here is where it needs to go-->
I tried something like this

$( node ).appendTo( "#mytitle td" ); //with no luck;

Thanking You In Advance,

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Search by filter: in Angular.js,

Friday, October 25, 2013

Hi i am new to Angular.js and i am learning it through the tutorials present in Angular.js site,

this is the code which i tried, it is as follows

<!DOCTYPE html>  <html ng-app="SmartPhoneApp">  <head>      <title>Smart phone Angular</title>            <script type="text/javascript" src="D:/Rahul Shivsharan/Installers/AngularJS/angular.js"></script>      <script type="text/javascript">          var smartPhoneApp = angular.module("SmartPhoneApp",[]);            smartPhoneApp.controller("phoneCtrl",function($scope){              $scope.phones = [                  {                      "modelName" : "LUMIA 520",                      "companyName" : "NOKIA"                  },                  {                      "modelName" : "GALAXY S Series",                      "companyName" : "SAMSUNG"                  },                  {                      "modelName" : "CANVAS",                      "companyName" : "MICROMAX"                  },                  {                      "modelName" : "OPTIMUS",                      "companyName" : "LG"                                          }              ];            });      </script>     </head>  <body>        Search by Model Name : <input ng-model="comp.modelName" />        Search by Company : <input ng-model="comp.companyName" />         <div ng-controller="phoneCtrl">          <table ng-repeat="phone in phones | filter: comp">              <tr>                  <td>{{phone.modelName}}</td>                  <td>{{phone.companyName}}</td>              </tr>          </table>      </div>  </body>  </html>
in the above code you can see i am able to search the mobile phone details using two input, 
by modelName or by company name.
Now i am trying the same search by with different approach, 
what if i want to search the data using the filter present in the 
select box the code is as follows,
<!DOCTYPE html>  <html ng-app="EmployeeApp">  <head>      <title>Orderring People</title>           <script type="text/javascript" src="D:/Rahul Shivsharan/Installers/AngularJS/angular.js"></script>      <script type="text/javascript">          var employeeApp = angular.module("EmployeeApp",[]);          employeeApp.controller("empCtrl",function($scope){              $scope.employees = [                  {                      "name" : "Mahesh Pachangane",                      "company" : "Syntel India Pvt. Ltd",                      "designation" : "Associate"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Brijesh Shah",                      "company" : "Britanica Software Ltd.",                      "designation" : "Software Engineer"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Amit Mayekar",                      "company" : "Apex Solutions",                      "designation" : "Human Resource"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Ninad Parte",                      "company" : "Man-made Solutions",                      "designation" : "Senior Architect"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Sunil Shrivastava",                      "company" : "IBM",                      "designation" : "Project Lead"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Pranav Shastri",                      "company" : "TCS",                      "designation" : "Senior Software Engineer"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Madan Naidu",                      "company" : "KPMG",                      "designation" : "Senior Associate"                  },                  {                      "name" : "Amit Gangurde",                      "company" : "Amazon",                      "designation" : "Programe Manager"                  }                 ];              $scope.orderProp="name";                          });      </script>     </head>  <body ng-controller="empCtrl">            <table>          <tr>              <td align="right">Search :</td>              <td><input ng-model="query" /></td>          </tr>                     <tr>              <td align="right">Search By :</td>              <td>                  <select ng-model="query">                      <option value="name">NAME</option>                      <option value="company">COMPANY</option>                      <option value="designation">DESIGNATION</option>                  </select>                 </td>          </tr>      </table>      <hr>      <div>          <table>              <tr>                  <th>Employee Name</th>                  <th>Company Name</th>                  <th>Designation</th>              </tr>              <tr ng-repeat="emp in employees | filter:query">                  <td>{{}}</td>                  <td>{{}}</td>                  <td>{{emp.designation}}</td>              </tr>          </table>      </div>  </body>

here in the above code you can see i want to search the employee using the search by
option selected in the select box, but this example don't work, the 'query' does'nt take the
required input 
can you please help me out in this,

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Re: JavaScript DOM with setAttribute when creating dynamic ids

Monday, October 21, 2013

In the code below, the id isn't found is because you need to append the new element to the DOM.
Below is working model of what I think you want:

On Sunday, October 20, 2013 10:50:55 PM UTC-4, wrote:

Now that's weird, OK, so now when I try to increment the count get the same issue not found,

 var itemCount = 0;
    var newElement = document.createElement('div');
    document.body.appendChild(newElement);  // <-- Here, new element is appended to the BODY tag. 
             // Once part of the DOM, document.getElementById(id) should find it. 
   newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);   
   itemCount++;  //Increment the count 
itemCount += 1;

Thanking You In Advance;


On Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:00:57 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I have a question, I have been working on this all day with setAttribute() method. The research and reading I have the done the
below code should work.  I ran into an issue which forces me to have to create unique ids for an element.

var itemCount =0;
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC );   //This works fine when I do the following test

      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" );    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" );

but when I do the following

  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);

The previous test fails, I even tried

 if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount)){
      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" + itemCount);    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" + itemCount);

It will give me the count but it still fails saying Not found

My documents(books) and Google searches, it should work.
What am I missing here.

Thanking You in Advance, I work on this all day and it has put me at a stand still.


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Re: JavaScript DOM with setAttribute when creating dynamic ids


Yes, you are right, that is what the problem is, so I need some way to increment the count and pass the value so that itemCount
is increased by one each time an element is created.  I tried different types of looping but does not give me the result I'm
looking for, any ideas?

Thanking You In Advance,

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:00:57 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I have a question, I have been working on this all day with setAttribute() method. The research and reading I have the done the
below code should work.  I ran into an issue which forces me to have to create unique ids for an element.

var itemCount =0;
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC );   //This works fine when I do the following test

      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" );    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" );

but when I do the following

  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);

The previous test fails, I even tried

 if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount)){
      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" + itemCount);    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" + itemCount);

It will give me the count but it still fails saying Not found

My documents(books) and Google searches, it should work.
What am I missing here.

Thanking You in Advance, I work on this all day and it has put me at a stand still.


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Re: JavaScript DOM with setAttribute when creating dynamic ids

Sunday, October 20, 2013


Its because you are trying to get the element with a different id than you set to it.

newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);    // -> Here the ID you are setting is: 'updateCC0'
   itemCount++;  //Increment the count
document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount) // -> Here you are trying to get the same element after increasing the itemCount, but the id itself is changed to -> 'updateCC1' 

On 21-Oct-2013, at 8:20 AM, wrote:


Now that's weird, OK, so now when I try to increment the count get the same issue not found,

 var itemCount = 0;
    var newElement = document.createElement('div');
   newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);   
   itemCount++;  //Increment the count
itemCount += 1;

Thanking You In Advance;


On Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:00:57 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I have a question, I have been working on this all day with setAttribute() method. The research and reading I have the done the
below code should work.  I ran into an issue which forces me to have to create unique ids for an element.

var itemCount =0;
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC );   //This works fine when I do the following test

      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" );    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" );

but when I do the following

  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);

The previous test fails, I even tried

 if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount)){
      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" + itemCount);    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" + itemCount);

It will give me the count but it still fails saying Not found

My documents(books) and Google searches, it should work.
What am I missing here.

Thanking You in Advance, I work on this all day and it has put me at a stand still.


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Re: JavaScript DOM with setAttribute when creating dynamic ids


Now that's weird, OK, so now when I try to increment the count get the same issue not found,

 var itemCount = 0;
    var newElement = document.createElement('div');
   newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);   
   itemCount++;  //Increment the count
itemCount += 1;

Thanking You In Advance;


On Thursday, October 17, 2013 8:00:57 PM UTC-5, wrote:

I have a question, I have been working on this all day with setAttribute() method. The research and reading I have the done the
below code should work.  I ran into an issue which forces me to have to create unique ids for an element.

var itemCount =0;
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC );   //This works fine when I do the following test

      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" );    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" );

but when I do the following

  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);

The previous test fails, I even tried

 if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount)){
      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" + itemCount);    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" + itemCount);

It will give me the count but it still fails saying Not found

My documents(books) and Google searches, it should work.
What am I missing here.

Thanking You in Advance, I work on this all day and it has put me at a stand still.


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Re: JavaScript DOM with setAttribute when creating dynamic ids

Friday, October 18, 2013

You will wonder whether to laugh or cry. Personally, I recommend you laugh.

All I did was take out the D in the line if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount))
making it 'updateCC' and then it worked as you expected.

On Thursday, October 17, 2013 9:00:57 PM UTC-4, wrote:

I have a question, I have been working on this all day with setAttribute() method. The research and reading I have the done the
below code should work.  I ran into an issue which forces me to have to create unique ids for an element.

var itemCount =0;
var newElement = document.createElement('div');
  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC );   //This works fine when I do the following test

      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" );    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" );

but when I do the following

  newElement.setAttribute("id", 'updateCC' + itemCount);

The previous test fails, I even tried

 if(document.getElementById('updateCCD' + itemCount)){
      //do stuff
      alert("Found it updateCC" + itemCount);    
    else {
      alert("Not found updateCC" + itemCount);

It will give me the count but it still fails saying Not found

My documents(books) and Google searches, it should work.
What am I missing here.

Thanking You in Advance, I work on this all day and it has put me at a stand still.


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Re: Can't get value of select option from dynamically created form

Hi Ricky:

Got month working yesterday and year working today thanks for your suggestions.
I knew I needed to get information from the form document. I had to step through
the logic because the way I got the month was not the same way I had to get the year.

This issue is closed.


On Wednesday, October 16, 2013 2:57:38 AM UTC-5, wrote:

I attempting to update information from a form which consist of a text box and two drop down boxes.
I amble to get the information from the form for description but can't get date or year from drop down boxes.

This is what I use to get information from form for description

var des = document.dynamicform.description.value;

  var expmonth =  //this is from dropt down box doesn't work

Thank You In Advance,

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