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Sunday, September 30, 2012


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Re: [Design with CSS 3770] CSS problems with Chrome

Umm exactly WHAT is not rendering correctly in Chrome? 

Sent from my iPhone

On Sep 28, 2012, at 8:27 AM, Simone Bianchelli <> wrote:

I have this page http:/ which is ok showing in IE and Firefox, but i have problems using Chrome.

Seems the css is not applied well, here is the HTML code:

<div id="slider"> 
<div class="box1"><?php if (function_exists('easing_slider')){ easing_slider(); }; ?></div>  
<div class="box2"><p><a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-login.php?action=register&redirect_to=' . get_permalink()); ?>" title="Register">REGISTER</a> / <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url(); ?>" title="Login">LOGIN</a></p> 
<div class="arrow"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/arrow.png" width="22" height="35" /></div> 
<div class="upload"><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/upload/">UPLOAD</a></div> 

and the following the CSS:

#slider  .box1 { width: 490px; float:left;  }  
#slider  .box2 { width: 460px; float:left; }  
#slider  .box2 p { text-align: center; font-family: 'Dancing Script', 'Droid Serif', serif; font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px; background: url(../images/border1.png) center 0px no-repeat; position: relative; top:-10px; height:40px; padding:14px; }  
#slider  .box2 a:hover { text-decoration: none; }  
#slider .arrow  { text-align: center; position: relative; top:-10px; } 
#slider  .upload  { text-align: center; font-family: 'Dancing Script', 'Droid Serif', serif; font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px; background: url(../images/border2.png) center 0px no-repeat; position: relative; top:0px; height:25px; padding:14px; } 
#slider  .upload a:hover { text-decoration: none; } 

Where is the problem?


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Re: [Design with CSS 3769] CSS problems with Chrome

28 sep 2012 14:27 Simone Bianchelli:

> <div id="slider">
> <div class="box1"><?php if (function_exists('easing_slider')){ easing_slider(); }; ?></div>
> <div class="box2"><p><a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-login.php?action=register&redirect_to=' . get_permalink()); ?>" title="Register">REGISTER</a> / <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url(); ?>" title="Login">LOGIN</a></p>
> <div class="arrow"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/arrow.png" width="22" height="35" /></div>
> <div class="upload"><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/upload/">UPLOAD</a></div>
> </div>
> </div>

For starters that is PHP code, not pure HTML. Perhaps your server isn't processing your PHP source files? Does it actually not work only in Chrome?

If you want help it is more effective for everyone if you get the source from the browser instead of your PHP source files.

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I am online now, Sunday 9/30, at 12:00 am Pacific time, and will be on for the rest of the night. Please call me directly at 1-800-275-5336 x0160.


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[Design with CSS 3768] CSS problems with Chrome

Friday, September 28, 2012


I have this page http:/ which is ok showing in IE and Firefox, but i have problems using Chrome.

Seems the css is not applied well, here is the HTML code:

<div id="slider"> 
<div class="box1"><?php if (function_exists('easing_slider')){ easing_slider(); }; ?></div>  
<div class="box2"><p><a href="<?php echo site_url('/wp-login.php?action=register&redirect_to=' . get_permalink()); ?>" title="Register">REGISTER</a> / <a href="<?php echo wp_login_url(); ?>" title="Login">LOGIN</a></p> 
<div class="arrow"><img src="<?php bloginfo('template_directory'); ?>/images/arrow.png" width="22" height="35" /></div> 
<div class="upload"><a href="<?php echo get_site_url(); ?>/upload/">UPLOAD</a></div> 

and the following the CSS:

#slider  .box1 { width: 490px; float:left;  }  
#slider  .box2 { width: 460px; float:left; }  
#slider  .box2 p { text-align: center; font-family: 'Dancing Script', 'Droid Serif', serif; font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px; background: url(../images/border1.png) center 0px no-repeat; position: relative; top:-10px; height:40px; padding:14px; }  
#slider  .box2 a:hover { text-decoration: none; }  
#slider .arrow  { text-align: center; position: relative; top:-10px; } 
#slider  .upload  { text-align: center; font-family: 'Dancing Script', 'Droid Serif', serif; font-weight: 700; font-size: 24px; background: url(../images/border2.png) center 0px no-repeat; position: relative; top:0px; height:25px; padding:14px; } 
#slider  .upload a:hover { text-decoration: none; } 

Where is the problem?


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[Design with CSS 3767] Re: vertical-alignment of inlined elements

Thursday, September 27, 2012

hello, too lazy to signup pastebin so just inline in the reply.
Be scarse with id's i kept a few of yours here, but just because i was lazy.
A class will be just as fast, and some element like a h1 inside a #header, will always be unique in that location
so just useing the xpath of the html is a friendlier way to go.
like #header h1 ... and #header h1 a

i removed some excessive html, i hope this is waht you ment
oh and i added some seo for your logo, just added the text to the h1 and moved is way out of the viewport and replaced it with the background image in css
screen readers / search engines will see the text, users will see the logo

body {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.header > ul {
width: 800px;
background: #123456;
.header > ul > li {
list-style: none;
display: inline-block;
.header li a {
padding: 10px;
.header h1 {
position: absolute;
left: -1000px;
margin: 0;

.header h1 a {
width: 115px;
height: 39px;
background: url(_logo_115x39.png) top left no-repeat;
padding: 0;

<div class="header">
<li id="logo"><!--logo-->
<a href="#"><h1>Immaculate</h1></a>
</li><!--End logo --> 
<li id="one"><a href="#" title="Hem">one</a></li>
<li id="two"><a href="#">two</a></li>
<li id="three"><a href="#">three</a></li>
<li id="four"><a href="#">four</a></li>

<li id="language-option">
<ul id="language-option-nav">
<li id="ch"><a href="#">ch</a></li>
<li id="en"><a href="#">en</a></li>
<li id="login" lang="en"><a href="#">Log In</a></li>
</ul><!-- End Navigation--> 

On Wednesday, September 26, 2012 3:25:53 AM UTC+2, MiB wrote:
I have a problem of vertical alignment of inlined list items in the horizontal navigation menu of a header. I can't use floats because of the rest of the layout.

I was thinking that I could use a larger line-height for the list items, but it doesn't really help that much this time. The list items more or less just sit there, at least when I use the Google Droid font. I also tried vertical-alignment, but nothing.

The basic structure is header -> header-content ->navigation > li > a
All of the list items are set to display:inline.
There's also a list item enclosed h1 element which has an enclosed image:  li > h1 >img and a submenu in there: li > ul > >li > a, of which the image complicates things as it has a fixed height of 39px.

The header div sets the height of 4 ems and also a background color.  It's within these 4 ems that I need to vertically align the content of my navigation.

I need some ideas how to accomplish this kind of vertical alignment. Suggestions? :-)

You can find a full code example of the problem here:

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[Design with CSS 3766] vertical-alignment of inlined elements

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

I have a problem of vertical alignment of inlined list items in the horizontal navigation menu of a header. I can't use floats because of the rest of the layout.

I was thinking that I could use a larger line-height for the list items, but it doesn't really help that much this time. The list items more or less just sit there, at least when I use the Google Droid font. I also tried vertical-alignment, but nothing.

The basic structure is header -> header-content ->navigation > li > a
All of the list items are set to display:inline.
There's also a list item enclosed h1 element which has an enclosed image: li > h1 >img and a submenu in there: li > ul > >li > a, of which the image complicates things as it has a fixed height of 39px.

The header div sets the height of 4 ems and also a background color. It's within these 4 ems that I need to vertically align the content of my navigation.

I need some ideas how to accomplish this kind of vertical alignment. Suggestions? :-)

You can find a full code example of the problem here:

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iPhone App To Help You Regain 20/20 Vision Naturally

Sunday, September 23, 2012

0 comments - "20/20 Vision" is an iPhone app that will help you regain 20/20 vision naturally, by looking at images that relaxes your eyes and performing eye exercises that strengthen your eyes, anywhere within your busy life (i.e. office cubicle, crowded subway, waiting at the hair salon, etc.), thanks.

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Saturday, September 22, 2012

Your first 3 minutes are FREE talking live with me.

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Is it even possible to Listen to multiple CSS3 AnimationEnd events with jQuery?

Thursday, September 20, 2012

I have a tough CSS3 Animation problem that I dont even know how to approach

there is <#box> with a css3 animation applied. When this animation ends, a new webkitAnimationEnd event adds a new class to <#box> that triggers a 2nd animation, when this 2nd animation ends, another webkitAnimationEnd event adds another class to <#box> that triggers a 3rd animation, and so on and so on...

Here's what I have so far. I couldn't figure out how to apply the multiple event listeners for different animations -


iPhone App To Help You Learn Spanish Faster By Using Flashcards With Pictures

Monday, September 17, 2012

0 comments - "Spanish Flashcards with Pictures" is an iPhone app that will help you learn Spanish faster by using flashcards with pictures (learn over 300 most commonly used words in the English / Spanish language from A to Z), thanks.

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Problems with initializing designMode on a iframe document on script generated content.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Hi folks!

I've run into a problem when it comes to designMode on FireFox. The script I got works like it should on webkit but have some wierd quirks when I try it out on FireFox.
What I'm trying to do is a Rich Text editor on the webapplication I'm building, I'm guessing that the problem lies in the fact that all DOM elements are generated inside the script and thus have problems syncing with the document on the go.
this is the code I use for generating the iframe and try to switch the designMode on (as I said, works fine in Chrome).

var container = document.createElement("div");
                var parentElem = document.getElementById("portal-container-" + this.parent);
                var textInput = document.createElement("textarea");
                var textCanvas = document.createElement("iframe");
                container.setAttribute("id", "wtedit-container-" + this.parent);
                container.setAttribute("class", "wtedit-container");
                textInput.setAttribute("id", "wtedit-textarea-" + this.parent);
                textInput.setAttribute("parent", this.parent);
                textInput.setAttribute("class", "wtedit-textarea");
                textCanvas.setAttribute("id", "wtedit-textcanvas-" + this.parent);
                textCanvas.setAttribute("name", "wtedit-textcanvas-" + this.parent);
                textCanvas.setAttribute("class", "wtedit-textcanvas");
                textCanvas.setAttribute("width", this.portalSettings.width);
                textCanvas.setAttribute("height", this.portalSettings.height - 40);
                this.document = textCanvas.contentWindow.document;
                this.document.designMode = "on";

I have a function that runs the last two lines that I can call from the console, and this seems to switch the designMode on when I run it in FireFox, but that's a really blunt way to go about, I want designMode to get active during the init process so that the application is ready to use as soon as the elements and logic is initialized!
So my question here is if there's some special considerations I need to think about when it comes to designMode and FireFox, is there a better way to access the document object that lies within the iframe object or something funky like that?

Thanx for any tips on the matter!



Re: Storing Objects in an Associative Array (object)

Friday, September 14, 2012

Below is a more specific test case for you. Just copy and paste it into a black HTML document and you will see. =(

<meta charset="utf-8">
var ProcessObjectList = function (inXML)
var arrObjectList = new Object();
var objClass    = new clsNewClass();        // see class declaration below
.write('<p> <strong> In function POL</strong></p>');
for (ctr=0; ctr <= 2; ctr++)
if (ctr == 0)
.setName    ('Name 1');
.setValue1 ( 1 );
.setValue2 ( 2 );
if (ctr == 1)
.setName    ( 'Name 2' );
.setValue1 ( 3 );
.setValue2 ( 4 );
if (ctr == 2)
.setName    ( 'Name 3' );
.setValue1 ( 5 );
.setValue2 ( 6 );
[ objClass.getName() ] = objClass;
.write('<p> Name: <strong>' + objClass.getName() + ' </strong></p>');
} /* end for loop */
return arrObjectList;
} /* end Process Object List */
function clsNewClass()
var Name = '';
var Value1 = '';
var Value2 = '';
this.getName = function()        { return Name; }
this.getValue1 = function()        { return Value1; }
this.getValue2 = function()        { return Value2; }
this.setName = function(inVal) { Name = inVal; }
this.setValue1 = function(inVal) { Value1 = inVal; }
this.setValue2 = function(inVal) { Value2 = inVal; }
} // end class New Class
var arrObjList = Object(); // will be used for the associative array
= ProcessObjectList();     // see function declaration below
.write('<p> <strong> After Assignment</strong></p>');
.write('<p> Name: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 1'].getName() + '</strong> v1: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 1'].getValue1() + '</strong> v2: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 1'].getValue2() + '</strong></p>');
.write('<p> Name: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 2'].getName() + '</strong> v1: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 2'].getValue1() + '</strong> v2: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 2'].getValue2() + '</strong></p>');
.write('<p> Name: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 3'].getName() + '</strong> v1: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 3'].getValue1() + '</strong> v2: <strong>' + arrObjList['Name 3'].getValue2() + '</strong></p>');


Storing Objects in an Associative Array (object)

OK, I am getting my ass kicked by this problem. I am storing class instantiated objects into an associative array and one of two things is happening after adding the objects to the associative array 
only the last object added is available, or
all of the associated indices have the same value as the last object added. 
I have verified that the data that is coming in from the XML file and being pushed into into the object just prior to adding it to the associative array and it is fine, but after adding it to the associative array (declared using new Object() )... it is all messed up. 

Here is an example of the code I am working with:

Associative Array 

var arrObjList = new Object();

arrObjList = ProcessObjectList();     // see function declaration below

Adding the Class Objects to the Associative Array from above

ProcessObjectList = function (inXML)
var arrObjectList        = new Object();
var objClass        = new clsNewClass();        // see class declaration below
nodes = inXML.getElementsByTagName('thing');
for (ctr=0; ctr < nodes.length; ctr++)
objClass.seName    ( nodes[ctr].getAttributeNode('name').nodeValue );
objClass.setValue1 ( nodes[ctr].getAttributeNode('value1').nodeValue );
objClass.setValue2 ( nodes[ctr].getAttributeNode('value2').nodeValue );

arrObjectList[ objClass.geName() ] = objClass;
} /* end for loop */
return arrObjectList;
} /* end Process Object List */

Class Code

function clsNewClass()
  var Name = '';
var Value1 = '';
var Value2 = '';

this.geName = function()        { return Name; }
this.getValue1 = function()        { return Value1; }
this.getValue2 = function()        { return Value2; }

this.setName = function(inVal) { Name = inVal; }
this.setValue1 = function(inVal) { Value1 = inVal; }
this.setValue2 = function(inVal) { Value2 = inVal; }
      } // end class New Class

So what do you think. I have a lot of coding that is stalled by this. I do not code for a living, and at some point I will pull out jquery or prototypejs and convert things over, but that is not what I am looking for right now. I tried this by declaring the may associative array in the following ways, none of which worked: new Array(), new Object(), and Object();

Thanks guys.



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RE: [Design with CSS 3765] Hello

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I stay subscribed, mostly to see if anyone is experiencing anything I can learn from. It's been very helpful in the past, even if no one has a problem very often anymore.
Hope folks will continue to use it.
-----Original Message-----
From: [] On Behalf Of Christy B.
Sent: Wednesday, August 29, 2012 9:24 AM
Subject: [Design with CSS 3762] Hello

Hello, I am new to the group and I wanted to know if this group is active?

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Re: [Design with CSS 3764] Hello

29 aug 2012 16:24 Christy B.:

> Hello, I am new to the group and I wanted to know if this group is active?

Do a test and ask a question or two with all relevant information. How else would you know?

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[Design with CSS 3764] Re: Hello

Not very active

On Thursday, 30 August 2012 02:24:04 UTC+12, Christy B. wrote:
Hello, I am new to the group and I wanted to know if this group is active?

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Re: jQuery . scrollTop only work with alert();

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The error is in:-  $("ul.fileList").scrollTop(height);
May be "ul.fileList" is not found.

On Wed, Sep 12, 2012 at 5:24 AM, young <> wrote:
function moveScrollView(height){
// alert(height);

it works with alert line. 
but without alert, it doesn't work... 

I googled it but couldn't find right answer. 
any suggestions?


Md. Ear Ali
Sr. Software Developer,
The Delve Solutions Ltd.,Bangladesh.


jQuery . scrollTop only work with alert();

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

function moveScrollView(height){
// alert(height);

it works with alert line. 
but without alert, it doesn't work... 

I googled it but couldn't find right answer. 
any suggestions?


Re: Javascript - Proper Case Fixes


Trying to fix user data entry errors is a losing game. You have a person right there at the keyboard who can do it!

How about instead of fixing it for them, you disallow entries that have more than 1 upper case letter per each lower case letter? Simply tell the user that all upper case is not allowed, and let him use his human intelligence to fix the problem. You could make a quick pass with your best-guess capitalization, but give the person an opportunity to correct it himself.

There will be no universal solution to get the names auto-capitalized correctly 100% of the time. Will you capitalize it as MacCabee or Maccabee? Does the person spell his name "vos


On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 6:16 AM, Jason <> wrote:
So I have a basic ASP web form where users can type in their information which gets sent to a SQL database. We had an issue where users would type in the fields in all caps, so I set up a JavaScript to fix those entries so that the first letter would be capitalized and the rest would be lowercase. Now we have the issue with people who have Irish/Scottish names (such as MacDonald, McCoy, VanDyke, etc.) as well as those who have apostrophe or dashes in their names (such as O'Brian or O'Hara-Brown).

Does anybody have some script that would catch those and set them to the proper case before being sent to the database as well as catch those that typed in all caps and fix that as well?



Javascript - Proper Case Fixes

So I have a basic ASP web form where users can type in their information which gets sent to a SQL database. We had an issue where users would type in the fields in all caps, so I set up a JavaScript to fix those entries so that the first letter would be capitalized and the rest would be lowercase. Now we have the issue with people who have Irish/Scottish names (such as MacDonald, McCoy, VanDyke, etc.) as well as those who have apostrophe or dashes in their names (such as O'Brian or O'Hara-Brown).

Does anybody have some script that would catch those and set them to the proper case before being sent to the database as well as catch those that typed in all caps and fix that as well?



Thursday, September 6, 2012

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Re: syntax question

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

If you want to start adding in alternatives, and talk about what is best... why leave out a straight check for equality?

If the goal is really to simply check to see if an arbitrary string is "<b>" or "<i>", the most understandable and (more importantly) correct check is simply...
(str == "<b>") || (str == "<i>")

It is also one of the fastest options (by far the fastest on Chrome).

- Joe

On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 2:48 AM, Torsten Walter <> wrote:
Hi Erik,

I agree with your assessments.
However, the problem you point out is of course one you should avoid in the first place:

Never augment Object.prototype unless you absolutely have to.
I understand the point of your example though.

What I was trying to offer as a solution was having an object literal (or JSON or whatever), basically a list of keys with a bool value assigned.

This should (in Theory) beat Expressions and other comparisons since it only evaluates once to a true boolean value.

However, I am totally with you that concise and maintainable code is the most important. Don't optimize too early.

For most use cases a `Regexp.test()` is easier to understand than others.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Erik Eckhardt <> wrote:
Hi Torsten,

Thanks for joining the conversation.

It is very interesting that the object member method is so much faster, but it has the same problem as the other object-based methods--it isn't reliable:

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false; // returns true

Also, IE 7 cannot run your test case since it doesn't have Array.indexOf. IE also kept throwing warnings about unresponsive script so I'm sure that will interfere with the testing anyway.

There simply is no clear performance winner here. In any case is most correct, clear, and concise (in that order) is more important than performance (until a true bottleneck is found). I find the correctness of the object methods suspect, leaving regular expressions or Array.indexOf better candidates, in my mind.

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Torsten Walter <> wrote:
I've put up a test case on jsPerf:

Depending on the engine you might see varying results. You will also notice that your examples aren't the most efficient ones.

The fastest on Safari 6 is the member lookup.
The str in obj is slightly slower.
Regular expressions were the slowest in my case. You can get rid of the positive lookahead if you want exact match anyway to speed it up slightly.

I don't have the setup right here to test more browsers at the moment.


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:29 PM, thor <> wrote:
Thank you, illandril!  :-)

On Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:12:12 PM UTC-5, illandril wrote:
With my tests...
Chrome 22: regular expressions
IE9: str in obj
FF11: str in obj

On Friday, August 24, 2012 10:53:05 PM UTC-4, thor wrote:
Which do you think is more efficient when checking if a string is either "<i>" or "<b>"?

  var obj = {'<b>': null, '<i>': null};
  var str = '<i>';

  var tag =<(?:b|i)>/);


  var tag = (str in obj);


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Addition in data using javascript...

Hi i want to add 7 days in date and date should be show in dd/mm/yyyy format...


Re: syntax question

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hi Erik,

I agree with your assessments.
However, the problem you point out is of course one you should avoid in the first place:

Never augment Object.prototype unless you absolutely have to.
I understand the point of your example though.

What I was trying to offer as a solution was having an object literal (or JSON or whatever), basically a list of keys with a bool value assigned.

This should (in Theory) beat Expressions and other comparisons since it only evaluates once to a true boolean value.

However, I am totally with you that concise and maintainable code is the most important. Don't optimize too early.

For most use cases a `Regexp.test()` is easier to understand than others.


On Wed, Sep 5, 2012 at 12:05 AM, Erik Eckhardt <> wrote:
Hi Torsten,

Thanks for joining the conversation.

It is very interesting that the object member method is so much faster, but it has the same problem as the other object-based methods--it isn't reliable:

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false; // returns true

Also, IE 7 cannot run your test case since it doesn't have Array.indexOf. IE also kept throwing warnings about unresponsive script so I'm sure that will interfere with the testing anyway.

There simply is no clear performance winner here. In any case is most correct, clear, and concise (in that order) is more important than performance (until a true bottleneck is found). I find the correctness of the object methods suspect, leaving regular expressions or Array.indexOf better candidates, in my mind.

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Torsten Walter <> wrote:
I've put up a test case on jsPerf:

Depending on the engine you might see varying results. You will also notice that your examples aren't the most efficient ones.

The fastest on Safari 6 is the member lookup.
The str in obj is slightly slower.
Regular expressions were the slowest in my case. You can get rid of the positive lookahead if you want exact match anyway to speed it up slightly.

I don't have the setup right here to test more browsers at the moment.


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:29 PM, thor <> wrote:
Thank you, illandril!  :-)

On Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:12:12 PM UTC-5, illandril wrote:
With my tests...
Chrome 22: regular expressions
IE9: str in obj
FF11: str in obj

On Friday, August 24, 2012 10:53:05 PM UTC-4, thor wrote:
Which do you think is more efficient when checking if a string is either "<i>" or "<b>"?

  var obj = {'<b>': null, '<i>': null};
  var str = '<i>';

  var tag =<(?:b|i)>/);


  var tag = (str in obj);


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Re: syntax question

Hi Torsten,

Thanks for joining the conversation.

It is very interesting that the object member method is so much faster, but it has the same problem as the other object-based methods--it isn't reliable:

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false; // returns true

Also, IE 7 cannot run your test case since it doesn't have Array.indexOf. IE also kept throwing warnings about unresponsive script so I'm sure that will interfere with the testing anyway.

There simply is no clear performance winner here. In any case is most correct, clear, and concise (in that order) is more important than performance (until a true bottleneck is found). I find the correctness of the object methods suspect, leaving regular expressions or Array.indexOf better candidates, in my mind.

Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;
Object.prototype['<b>'] = true;
[]['<b>'] || false;

On Tue, Sep 4, 2012 at 1:01 PM, Torsten Walter <> wrote:
I've put up a test case on jsPerf:

Depending on the engine you might see varying results. You will also notice that your examples aren't the most efficient ones.

The fastest on Safari 6 is the member lookup.
The str in obj is slightly slower.
Regular expressions were the slowest in my case. You can get rid of the positive lookahead if you want exact match anyway to speed it up slightly.

I don't have the setup right here to test more browsers at the moment.


On Sun, Aug 26, 2012 at 8:29 PM, thor <> wrote:
Thank you, illandril!  :-)

On Saturday, August 25, 2012 12:12:12 PM UTC-5, illandril wrote:
With my tests...
Chrome 22: regular expressions
IE9: str in obj
FF11: str in obj

On Friday, August 24, 2012 10:53:05 PM UTC-4, thor wrote:
Which do you think is more efficient when checking if a string is either "<i>" or "<b>"?

  var obj = {'<b>': null, '<i>': null};
  var str = '<i>';

  var tag =<(?:b|i)>/);


  var tag = (str in obj);


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