xmlhttprequest enables you to send requests, typically to a web-service, through the internet via javascript.
the example you've included is loading additional data via a json file (effective a text file?), which is fine. but if that's the case, why not just load your product data directly onto the page?
On Tue, Dec 20, 2011 at 7:15 AM, wije <jenswirf@gmail.com> wrote:
I fairly new to JS and I need to do some AJAX injections, both JSON-
data and some html/css/javascript local-domain.
I can manage this using jQuery || Zepto but as I am developing for
mobile I'd love to avoid using plugins alltogether and do a light-
weight pure javascript version.
I cobbled the code below together for the JSONP and it works nicely,
but my newbie question is:
Is this even AJAX? What is the difference between what I've done here
and say an XMLHttpRequest? Any issues with this method?
// script insertion function
function testJSONP() {
//remove old instance of script reference
if (old = document.getElementById('jsonp_ref')) {
//fetch new data
var url = 'products.json';
var script = document.createElement('script');
script.setAttribute('src', url);
script.setAttribute('id', 'jsonp_ref');
// inject data into DOM
// this is the funciton that the jsonp-file calls
function jsonpdata(data) {
//do something with the data
for (var i in data.products) {
<button onclick="testJSONP();">getJSON</button>
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