Trying to fix user data entry errors is a losing game. You have a person right there at the keyboard who can do it!
How about instead of fixing it for them, you disallow entries that have more than 1 upper case letter per each lower case letter? Simply tell the user that all upper case is not allowed, and let him use his human intelligence to fix the problem. You could make a quick pass with your best-guess capitalization, but give the person an opportunity to correct it himself.
There will be no universal solution to get the names auto-capitalized correctly 100% of the time. Will you capitalize it as MacCabee or Maccabee? Does the person spell his name "vos
On Tue, Sep 11, 2012 at 6:16 AM, Jason <> wrote:
So I have a basic ASP web form where users can type in their information which gets sent to a SQL database. We had an issue where users would type in the fields in all caps, so I set up a JavaScript to fix those entries so that the first letter would be capitalized and the rest would be lowercase. Now we have the issue with people who have Irish/Scottish names (such as MacDonald, McCoy, VanDyke, etc.) as well as those who have apostrophe or dashes in their names (such as O'Brian or O'Hara-Brown).Does anybody have some script that would catch those and set them to the proper case before being sent to the database as well as catch those that typed in all caps and fix that as well?--
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