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Re: Doing a live search and replace of some links on a given page - achievable with JavaScript ?
Whatever for?
Also, what is the base URL of the page where you want to stick those big buttons right above the original link?
If it has a base like:
me thinks it could be done rather easily. But if that page with those big buttons is hosted somewhere else on the Internet (or even on your local hard drive), me believes the browser is going to ring loud, restrictive, "Access denied" alarm bells...
On Saturday, March 23, 2013 12:00:14 AM UTC-4, wrote:
the goal--
I would like to, when on a given site ( change* the following links: 123456789
to 123456789
(the only thing that changes each time is the number)
[*either replace the link, or i'd settle for a big button right above the original link]
icing on the cake
Instead of the result opening in a new window, it' opens in a pop up, which can be dismissed once something is on the next page.
Or, even easier, it could open in a new tab or window.
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Doing a live search and replace of some links on a given page - achievable with JavaScript ?
I would like to, when on a given site ( change* the following links:
(the only thing that changes each time is the number)
[*either replace the link, or i'd settle for a big button right above the original link]
icing on the cake
Instead of the result opening in a new window, it' opens in a pop up, which can be dismissed once something is on the next page.
Or, even easier, it could open in a new tab or window.
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iPhone App - 20/20 Vision
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Re: (AngularJS UnderscoreJS) loop through array and assign value to variable with delay?
It is left as an exercise for the student to integrate it into their project.
---- Begin HTML Doc -----
<title>Fade In-Fade Out Example</title>
<!-- This div will form an area on the page where
a fade in-fade out affect is desired -->
<div id='OUT' style='width:200px;height:50px;'
onmouseover='OnMouse(1)' onmouseout='OnMouse(-1)'
><big><b> Drive the Mouse here...</b></big></div>
// Convenience variable
var Undef;
// Convenience function
function Gid(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Number of millisecs to hold color...
var Msecs = 100;
// Array of background colors to use...
var Arr = [
// Index of next array element to use
var Ind = 0;
// Direction of fade
var Dir = 0;
// Timeout function handle
var TimeOutHandle;
// Operation to perform every Msecs
function OnTimeout() {
// Assign color from array to background
Gid("OUT").style.backgroundColor = Arr [Ind];
// Advance to next color in array
// depending on direction of fade.
if (Dir < 0)
if (Ind > 0)
Ind--; // Go down the array...
Dir = 0; // STOP!
else if (Dir > 0)
if (Ind < Arr.length - 1)
Ind++; // Go up the array
Dir = 0; // STOP!
// Call OnTimeout() again in Msecs milliseconds
// but only if Dir is not zero...
TimeOutHandle = Dir ? window.setTimeout("OnTimeout()", Msecs) : Undef;
// Note:
// Some programmers prefer the form
// window.setTimeout(OnTimeout, Msecs)
// instead of
// window.setTimeout("OnTimeout()", Msecs)
// As far as I know, modern browsers will accept either.
// (thanks to Erik Eckhardt)
// This function is called by onmouseover or onmouseout
// to start the fading affect.
function OnMouse(Dir_) {
Dir = Dir_;
// Is there an already active timeout?
// If no, start one
// otherwise, let the current one do the work...
if (TimeOutHandle == Undef)
---- End HTML Doc -----
On Saturday, March 16, 2013 2:31:56 AM UTC-4, yahya Kacem wrote:
Hi, and thanks for replaying, but my problem is not that I want a function that runs periodically--indefinitely, what I really need is a function that runs on mouse enter until the end of the array, then stops and stays there, then on mouse leave the function re-run again with different array the reverse of the first one and do the same runs until the end of the array and stops and stays there. So basically as in the plunker that i provided in my first post i can't seem to be able to clear the timeout, the function runs indefinitely.To show a better example what exactly I need here's a plunker with working example, but it have a bug if the targeted element have multiple classes they'll get remover, bug could be seen in this plunker, I hope this clear enough, thanks in advance.
On Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:51:00 PM UTC+1, yahya Kacem wrote:Hi everyone, I need to loop through an array and assign each value to the same variable with delay of 100ms I'm using underscore.js for this here's a example plunker.Thanks in advance.
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Re: (AngularJS UnderscoreJS) loop through array and assign value to variable with delay?
On Thursday, March 14, 2013 7:51:00 PM UTC+1, yahya Kacem wrote:
Hi everyone, I need to loop through an array and assign each value to the same variable with delay of 100ms I'm using underscore.js for this here's a example plunker.Thanks in advance.
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Re: (AngularJS UnderscoreJS) loop through array and assign value to variable with delay?
Good luck...
----Begin HTML Doc----
<title>Assign Values From Array Example</title>
<div id='OUT'><big><b>Watch me change colors...</b></big></div>
// Convenience function
function Gid(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Number of millisecs to hold color...
var Msecs = 500;
// Array of colors to use...
var Arr = ["blue","green","red","black","orange"];
// Index of next array element to use
var Ind = 0;
// Operation to perform every Msecs
function OnTimeout() {
// Assign color from array
Gid("OUT").style.color = Arr [Ind];
// Advance to next color in array
// and then recycle to beginning...
Ind = (Ind + 1) % Arr.length;
// Call OnTimeout() again in Msecs milliseconds...
window.setTimeout("OnTimeout()", Msecs);
// Start the process
----Begin HTML Doc----
On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:51:00 PM UTC-4, yahya Kacem wrote:
Hi everyone, I need to loop through an array and assign each value to the same variable with delay of 100ms I'm using underscore.js for this here's a example plunker.--Thanks in advance.
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(AngularJS UnderscoreJS) loop through array and assign value to variable with delay?
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Create a Fire Text in Photoshop Using Actions
Learn how to create a fire text effect in Photoshop using a fire text
action to make the process much easier. Using the action you obtain a
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small adjustments and blendings.
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Re: Help
No offense has been taken ;-)
Textbooks, manuals and internet resources have mistakes and so does the site in question:
- it suggests w3schools made an error in [setTimeout("a string",milliseconds)] and clicking on the link above shows that that error applies to setInterval not setTimeout.
- When you look at setTimeout for w3schools it appears to be correctly formulated
All I'm saying is that someone can learn something even from w3schools because they have an option to try it out as you can see with setInterval example which means that anyone studying i.e trying to learn and not be a coding monkey would pick up on it and move forward. It does have errors (no questions about it), but it doesn't make invalidate its learning potential (otherwise Newtonian Physics would've fallen into the same basket).
In addition there are other resources, and communities that can help bridge the gaps and in doing so it justifies their "raison d'etre" ;-)
... I just hope we didn't scare Maha away.
Steve Nyemba
"When walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all don't wobble" -- The way of zen
On Mar 7, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Alejandro Lechuga <> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> No offense, but w3schools is the worst place to learn check out why .
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Steve <> wrote:
> is a good place to find resources, but I would recommend educating yourself on what it can do and having something you want to do with it first, that way w3schools will be of great use to you ;-)
> Good luck
> On Thursday, 7 March 2013 03:01:57 UTC-6, Maha Abdel Zaher wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I want to learn Javascript but, i don't know how to start. i have a good knowldge about Html and Css.
> thanks
> Maha
> --
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Re: Help
Textbooks, manuals and internet resources have mistakes and so does the site in question:
- it suggests w3schools made an error in [setTimeout("a string",milliseconds)] and clicking on the link above shows that that error applies to setInterval not setTimeout.
- When you look at setTimeout for w3schools it appears to be correctly formulated
All I'm saying is that someone can learn something even from w3schools because they have an option to try it out as you can see with setInterval example which means that anyone studying i.e trying to learn and not be a coding monkey would pick up on it and move forward. It does have errors (no questions about it), but it doesn't make invalidate its learning potential (otherwise Newtonian Physics would've fallen into the same basket).
In addition there are other resources, and communities that can help bridge the gaps and in doing so it justifies their "raison d'etre" ;-)
... I just hope we didn't scare Maha away.
Steve Nyemba
"When walking, just walk. In sitting, just sit. Above all don't wobble" -- The way of zen
On Mar 7, 2013, at 2:51 PM, Alejandro Lechuga <> wrote:
> Hi Steve,
> No offense, but w3schools is the worst place to learn check out why .
> On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 11:01 AM, Steve <> wrote:
> is a good place to find resources, but I would recommend educating yourself on what it can do and having something you want to do with it first, that way w3schools will be of great use to you ;-)
> Good luck
> On Thursday, 7 March 2013 03:01:57 UTC-6, Maha Abdel Zaher wrote:
> Hello everyone,
> I want to learn Javascript but, i don't know how to start. i have a good knowldge about Html and Css.
> thanks
> Maha
> --
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Re: Help is a good place to find resources, but I would recommend educating yourself on what it can do and having something you want to do with it first, that way w3schools will be of great use to you ;-)Good luck
On Thursday, 7 March 2013 03:01:57 UTC-6, Maha Abdel Zaher wrote:Hello everyone,I want to learn Javascript but, i don't know how to start. i have a good knowldge about Html and Css.thanks
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Re: Abridged summary of - 1 Message in 1 Topic
Forgot to include link in last post.
There are any number of good, free tutorials on JavaScript. Here is a link to one done by Tom Pittman of Itty Bitty Computers. Included on his intro page is a link to a list of other tutorials.
Take your pick, work hard, and you will be a JavaScript coder in short order.
On Thu, Mar 7, 2013 at 1:50 PM, <> wrote:
- Help [1 Update]
Maha Abdel Zaher <> Mar 07 01:01AM -0800
Hello everyone,
I want to learn *Javascript* but, i don't know how to start. i have a good
knowldge about Html and Css.
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Re: Abridged summary of - 1 Message in 1 Topic
Take your pick, work hard, and you will be a JavaScript coder in short order.
- Help [1 Update]
Maha Abdel Zaher <> Mar 07 01:01AM -0800
Hello everyone,
I want to learn *Javascript* but, i don't know how to start. i have a good
knowldge about Html and Css.
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Re: Help
On Thursday, 7 March 2013 03:01:57 UTC-6, Maha Abdel Zaher wrote:
Hello everyone,I want to learn Javascript but, i don't know how to start. i have a good knowldge about Html and Css.thanks
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Re: Help
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