Good luck...
----Begin HTML Doc----
<title>Assign Values From Array Example</title>
<div id='OUT'><big><b>Watch me change colors...</b></big></div>
// Convenience function
function Gid(id) {
return document.getElementById(id);
// Number of millisecs to hold color...
var Msecs = 500;
// Array of colors to use...
var Arr = ["blue","green","red","black","orange"];
// Index of next array element to use
var Ind = 0;
// Operation to perform every Msecs
function OnTimeout() {
// Assign color from array
Gid("OUT").style.color = Arr [Ind];
// Advance to next color in array
// and then recycle to beginning...
Ind = (Ind + 1) % Arr.length;
// Call OnTimeout() again in Msecs milliseconds...
window.setTimeout("OnTimeout()", Msecs);
// Start the process
----Begin HTML Doc----
On Thursday, March 14, 2013 2:51:00 PM UTC-4, yahya Kacem wrote:
Hi everyone, I need to loop through an array and assign each value to the same variable with delay of 100ms I'm using underscore.js for this here's a example plunker.--Thanks in advance.
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