That would then send a GET request to the server, and the HTML will load into the IFRAME, leaving the SELECT tag in place for another selection.
On Friday, May 17, 2013 3:20:59 PM UTC-4, MMZ wrote:
I have some drop down menu options of php files and want to display them on the same page when user selects and click on view button but I don't know how to complete my code :<select id="report" ><?phpecho "<option value=\"".data_summary.".php\">--Select--</option>"; echo "<option value=\"".data_summary.".php\">Data Summary</option>"; echo "<option value=\"".outputs_reports.".php\">Outputs reports</option>"; echo "<option value=\"".outcomes_reports.".php\">Outcomes reports</option>"; echo "<option value=\"".sroi_reports.".php\">SROI reports</option>"; ?>
</select><IFRAME id="vtarg"></IFRAME><button onclick="view()">View</button><hr /><div id="pdf"><script type="text/javascript">function view() {var e = document.getElementById("report"); var str = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value; var f = document.getElementById("vtarg");f.src = str;
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