What I decided to do since adding a counter didn't work. I decided to create some unique form names using an array;
var dynamicforms = new Array("dynamic1", "dynamic2", "dynamic3", "dynamic4", "dynamic5");
var i =0; //make this local for now
var regupdateForm=document.createElement('form');
regupdateForm.name = "dynamicform";
regupdateForm.setAttribute("id", 'regupdate' + ++regupdatecounter );
regupdateForm.className = "formupdate";
alert("Value: " + dynamicforms[i]); I'm able to get first element in array before any increment.
When I get to onclick function
formbuttonUpdate.onclick = function() {
alert("Inside form update function");
des = document.dynamicform.dynamicforms[i].description.value; //I get TypeError: document.dynamicform.dynamicforms is undefined
alert("Inside formupdate what is description" + desc);
var updateMonth = document.dynamicform.expirationMonth.selectedIndex; //Havent added array here because I'm getting error
Is my syntax wrong I tried it a number of ways.
Your Help Is greatly appreciated.
On Friday, November 15, 2013 1:49:37 AM UTC-6, pame...@aol.com wrote:
-- What I decided to do since adding a counter didn't work. I decided to create some unique form names using an array;
var dynamicforms = new Array("dynamic1", "dynamic2", "dynamic3", "dynamic4", "dynamic5");
var i =0; //make this local for now
var regupdateForm=document.createElement('form');
regupdateForm.name = "dynamicform";
regupdateForm.setAttribute("id", 'regupdate' + ++regupdatecounter );
regupdateForm.className = "formupdate";
alert("Value: " + dynamicforms[i]); I'm able to get first element in array before any increment.
When I get to onclick function
formbuttonUpdate.onclick = function() {
alert("Inside form update function");
des = document.dynamicform.dynamicforms[i].description.value; //I get TypeError: document.dynamicform.dynamicforms is undefined
alert("Inside formupdate what is description" + desc);
var updateMonth = document.dynamicform.expirationMonth.selectedIndex; //Havent added array here because I'm getting error
Is my syntax wrong I tried it a number of ways.
Your Help Is greatly appreciated.
On Friday, November 15, 2013 1:49:37 AM UTC-6, pame...@aol.com wrote:
I thought my form update issue was a counter issue, so I created counters for my created elements. Once I got the counters
working I realized that was not the issue. Since that was not the issue I have been trying to figure out the reason behind this
I have a tool I'm developing it consist of a lot of forms which I have under control creating them dynamically. The deli ma I have
now is that my application lets you update a form which is a dialog box. Everything works fine first time but when I create another element
say a credit card and the user wants to update it they click the update button and a dialog box pops up then you can make your changes
it works the first time but not after that. I know its something with the form name which needs to be unique for each form as well as the id
I have a counter for the id tried to do something similar with the name but no luck. I believe its something about unique name because I
have to call that form again onclick and that doesn't work the second time either
Here is the code
This is in the main function
function creation {
var card= document.creditCardRegister.cardNumber.value; original form
des = document.creditCardRegister.description.value;
var expmonth = document.creditCardRegister.expirationMonth.value;
var expyear = document.creditCardRegister.expirationYear.value;
*****************Form Creation**********************
var regupdateForm=document.createElement('form');
regupdateForm.name ="dynamicform";//This is the culprit it seems
regupdateForm.setAttribute("id", 'regupdate' + ++regupdatecounter ); // the counter is global
regupdateForm.className = "formupdate";
var formbuttonUpdate = document.createElement('button');
formbuttonUpdate.setAttribute("id", 'updateformbutton');
formbuttonUpdate.setAttribute("style"," position:absolute; left:295px; top:130px;");
formbuttonUpdate.type= "submit";
formbuttonUpdate.innerHTML ="Update";
alert("what is formupdate cout" + formupdateCounter);
formbuttonUpdate.onclick = function() {
alert("Inside form update function"); The second time onclick this is as far as it goes which leads me to to know its document.dynamicform
I tried giving a unique name but still it bombs. I have another function that uses this form name with
very same issue second time around
************I make it to this function the first time everything works fine*********************************
des = document.dynamicform. description.value;
alert("updateform where is it breaking");
var updateMonth = document.dynamicform. expirationMonth.selectedIndex;
alert("form is this working");
var getMonth = document.dynamicform. expirationMonth.options[ updateMonth].value;
alert("Am I getting the month" + getMonth);
var updateYear = document.dynamicform. expirationYear.selectedIndex;
var getYear= document.getElementById(" expirationYear").options[ updateYear].value;
alert("Is year part working"+ updateYear);
/**Need to call original form to get card number***/
alert("Am I getting card number" + card);
var spechar ="/";
var monthYear = updateMonth+spechar+getYear;
var ccshadow = new String('************', card.length - 4)
+ card.substring(card.length - 4);
alert("Am I getting to yeare" + getYear);
var newDescription ="Card Description: ";
nnode.nodeValue =newDescription + des;
var cardNumber ="Card Number:";
var cardExpiration = "Expiration:";
alert("where is it bradking");
node.nodeValue =cardNumber + ccshadow + " " + cardExpiration + monthYear;
$("#updateCC" + itemCount).dialog("close");
}; //End of Update Dialog
} // funciton end
I continue to find the solution but I'm reaching out to be guided in the right direction only when I ponder for days
Thanking you in advance This has been a Challenge
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